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Step 2 (continued): Review the Contents of Package

Marital Separation Agreement Package Contents:
  • Complete step-by-step instructions for executing your Agreement.
  • 83 Questions and Answers Booklet about Divorce.
  • A complete layout of the criteria you provided to us below.
  • A Marital Separation Agreement completed and personalized with your information.
  • One free edit and reprint guaranteed! (only if needed).
  • An extensive divorce glossary to aid you through the process.
  • The Marital Separation Agreement addresses the following key issues:
      1. Reason for separation and/or divorce
      2. Restore life as if each spouse was single.
      3. Define property of each spouse
      4. Define debt obligations of each spouse
      5. Protection against bankruptcy or financial reorganization by either spouse.
      6. Cooperation in filing tax returns
      7. Waiving rights to retirement benefits.
      8. Responsiblities of providing health insurance.
      9. Division of proceeds from the sale of real estate.
      10. Incorporation into Final Divorce Decree
    Guaranteed Edit and Reprint Policy!
    For "Steps 3-9" try to complete as much of the information as you can. Once you receive the package you will be able take advantage of our "Guaranteed Edit and Reprint Policy" which allows you to submit any additions or changes to the forms for no additional cost! We make the additions and changes and provide you with a new set of forms. This is just one of the great benefits of this package!

    This package is the most comprehensive one available and is designed to make it easier for you to execute your own Marital Separation Agreement. In order to use the Marital Separation Agreement you must agree to the following terms and conditions and requirements:

    This divorce package and material is sold with the understanding that neither the author, publisher or seller or any entity involved in the preparation is engaging in rendering legal advice. If legal advice is needed or if you do not feel 100% comfortable in understanding the enclosed instructions and forms, you and or your spouse should obtain the services of a lawyer. You must realize that by completing and using the forms supplied in this package you are acting as your own attorney. Divorce Source, Inc. disclaims all responsibility for the legal effects or consequences of any from completed or action taken in reliance upon information contained in this divorce package.

    = Information Required to Be Completed

  • Step 3: (this step is required.)
    Re-Confirm the State:
    (This will enable us to provide you with appropriate Marital Separation Agreement & instructions for your state.)

    Step 4: (take your time and make sure everything is correct.)
    Information About the Wife:
    First Name: Middle: Last:
    Street Address: County:
    City: State: Zip:
    Home Phone #:
    E-mail: format: [email protected] (if none, type "Not Applicable")

    Step 5: (take your time and make sure everything is correct.)
    Information About the Husband:
    First Name: Middle: Last:
    Street Address: County:
    City: State: Zip:
    Home Phone #:
    E-mail: format: [email protected] (if none, type "Not Applicable")

    Step 6:
    Information About the Marriage:
    State You Were Married In:
    Marriage Date: ,
    Separation Date: ,

    Step 7: (take your time and make sure everything is correct.)
    Information About the Marital Property: This step addresses how the marital property will be divided. Each item should be entered in a descriptive fashion, for example ("1996 Tan VolksWagen Jetta GL", not just "VW jetta"). Only list the significant marital property like, autos, boats, large pieces of furniture, etc. Do not include separate property (that which was either spouse's before getting married).

    WIFE'S Portion of the Marital Property

    Item #1: (type "NONE" if there is no property)
    Item #2: optional
    Item #3: optional
    Item #4: optional
      (You will be able to include more later, if needed)

    HUSBAND's Portion of the Marital Property

    Item #1: (type "NONE" if there is no property)
    Item #2: optional
    Item #3: optional
    Item #4: optional
      (You will be able to include more later, if needed)

    Step 8: (take your time and make sure everything is correct.)
    Information About the Marital Debt(s): This step addresses how the marital debt(s) will be divided. Each debt should be entered in a descriptive fashion, for example ("Visa Gold Account # 1234123412341234", not just "Visa Card"). Only list the significant marital debt, like credit cards, car loans, etc. Do not include separate debt (that which was either spouse's before getting married).

    WIFE'S Portion of the Marital Debt

    Item #1: (type "NONE" if there is no debt)
    Item #2: optional
    Item #3: optional
    Item #4: optional
      (You will be able to include more later, if needed)

    HUSBAND'S Portion of the Marital Debt

    Item #1: (type "NONE" if there is no debt)
    Item #2: optional
    Item #3: optional
    Item #4: optional
      (You will be able to include more later, if needed)

    Step 9: (take your time and make sure everything is correct.)
    Information About the Marital Home:

    Address of Marital Home


    Step 10: (this step is required.)
    Credit Card & Mailing Information:
    The below credit card will be charged $55.95 plus $4.95 shipping and handling. Everything is sent in a stamped "confidential" package with in one business day by U.S. Priority Mail 2-3 day delivery.
    Credit Card Number #: (be sure to double check your number)
    Credit Card Type: Expiration Date:
    (format: month/year)
    Mailing Name:
    Mailing Address:
    City: State: Zip:
    (before submitting your order, please double check all the information you have entered to make sure it is correct, since the agreement will contain the above information.)

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